Monday, 12 December 2011

Stepping well Into Christmas, and Straight into Bankruptcy!

It has been a long while since last we met, but who knew that opening a new pub could take up so much of your time! Anyway with things up to Christmas not looking any clearer my blogs will be few and far between until the New Year where hopefully I’ll have more time to have a life and not just be re-using pub and customer anecdotes, hence the lack of writing. With a few mulled wines warming up my system, and some time to myself I’ve decided to jot a few thing down, and the main point is CHRISTMAS! I don’t know what it is about this one but I have well and truly decided to deck not only mine but everyone else’s halls this year. I have literally never been so excited for my Christmas to start and it officially began for me on the first of December. I have well and truly jumped straight into Christmas and am taking down whoever I can with me. It could be that my little nephew Jackson is going to be having his first Christmas, or the fact that we lost Uncle Pad this year, but something in me is just screaming to Santa!

The only problem with the festive season coursing through my veins is that money has all of a sudden become no object to me. I will spend on anything that has Santa or any generic Christmas Item relating to it just to spread as much Christmas cheer as I can! Presents! Money is haemorrhaging from my wallet like I’m allergic to it, or there’s some sort of challenge I’ve given myself to see how quickly I can spend my wages! If it wasn’t for Dan keeping a strict eye on our bills then we’d definitely be decorating our cardboard box traipsing around East London!

I’m actually blaming internet shopping though because whenever I spend on my card I feel like I’m not even using real money, and there’s some sort of fairy that will pay off my credit card bill for me. I’m shocked when I hear that no one else has this special fairy! Such items that I’ve spent on is £60 for a shockingly small tree, because it came already decorated, then I waltz into B&Q only to see they have 6Ft trees. Real trees. That have grown in the ground, for the same bloody price. I smile though and say “It’s Christmas”. The only event other than your Birthday when you can justify spending money on whatever you want, and there’s nothing anyone can say.

“You spent how much on a tree?” –“Hey it’s Christmas”

“You spent how much on Christmas CD’s?”-“Hey it’s Christmas.”

“ You spent how much on your his and hers personalised stockings with each of your names hand stitched onto it, just because it was on offer for an extra tenner to have the names put on when you know your mum can do it for free?!”

The examples go on and on. There is just something about this time of year though that makes me just want to be happier, be nicer, and spread a little more cheer. Yes, I understand a lot of the time the cheer is substituted with annoyance, but how nice is it to just be with people you love and have a glass of mulled wine, or spiced cider, and just enjoy being with each other. People are just so busy these days, everyone has so much going on, and when people drift apart it’s always the lack of time and commitments to other things that make up the excuses. I get that. I understand, but for just one month a year, I think we should just forget about stress and strain as often as we can and just get with the people we love and let them know how much we love them. It’s the time when there’s always something to look forward to, and you can always help out someone else, with a mulled wine, a mince pie, and a bloody huge grin.