I sat looking into the toilet bowl, my self-respect at an all-time low and the beginning of the hang over downer looming, all I could think was, what another crackin’ family gathering!
It started with my cousin Simon getting married in Mexico to his lovely, now wife, Michelle. With it being an intimate wedding in a plush hotel, family and friends couldn’t make it to share they’re day, so like many couples who take the wedding abroad route, they decided to have a party when they got back, which happened last Saturday.
Our family is pretty big. My boyfriend who didn’t know a single person at this shindig, will vouch for the fact we can fill a venue pretty easily, and that’s just immediate family! The sad thing about our clan like a lot of others is that we’re all dotted across England and Wales, and seeing each other all together is few and far between. The last time we’d all been together was two years ago, and not only that, this was the first evening event in I can’t remember the years where we’d all be drinking and not traveling home. I know I’m over explaining this but you have to understand that we had all geared up to make this a big one.
We arrived in a tornado of exciting meets and greets, and introductions for Dan of cours. It began civilly. Wines, Beers, Spritzers, chats, and pleasantries, however one phrase changed that for the rest of the night. Jager Bombs!!!
We congregated at the bar, not giving the poor bar boys a chance to catch their breath. Whenever I turned around a drink was handed to me. When that was finished another full glass took its place, we each took turns getting a round of Bombs in, then bombs turned into Tequilas, then immediately went back to Jagers when we came to our senses. The night continued in a mix of great banter, cuddles from the girls and “I love it when we’re all together”. The ladies obviously took to the floor, to classics such as Rihanna, Black Legend and obviously The Dirty Dancing Theme, which I thought was great point to turn to my younger cousin Paul and say catch me! Lucky enough he declined.
The thing I notice about being the younger one of the family is that you’re always watching out for getting caught doing something stupid. From family dos in the past I always remember this. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how long you’ve been out in the world on your own, when you get together with the family you always revert back to a child like sort of demeanour. This however was not the case, because the very people I would usually behave in front of were the ring leaders in this gathering.
Too quickly the bar was shutting, but not before my brother in law could buy 12 Jager Bombs and 12 Tequilas! The rush of the final shots, led to chants of “We’re all going to town”. We gathered in circles and continued the chants, ridiculing the cousins who wouldn’t join us.
My Mum, and sister were the unfortunate ones to taxi us down to town. This couldn’t have been pleasant for them! On the journey it wasn’t too long before Paul shoved his head out the window yelling “Bus Wankers” at passersby, and in true Inbetweeners Fashion we were stopped at traffic lights. Lucky for us Bromsgrove isn’t the kind of place where people will attack your car.
We got in the club and the drinks continued! Round after round. We danced to ridiculous songs in even more ridiculous styles. We chatted, and then it gets a bit dark. I don’t know the time, or when it was I got lost, but it was while dancing on the stage among other piss heads I looked around thought, it’s time to go. Taxi!
So back in my Aunt’s bathroom. A little worse for wear, and feeling as bad as I did, it was all worth it. It’s always great when you’re reminded how great family is, and how great it is to all hang out, be with each other, and having a great time. Even through my alcohol hazed memory!!